I found my recipe on Nourishing Days. I have a lot tomatoes and peppers so I tried some. I admit, I was a little skeptical keeping it on my counter to ferment. My first batch is finished and it is so good! Kimball asked me to make more so it will last all winter! I have four more quarts sitting on my counter as I type now.
Lacto-Fermented Salsa (makes 2 quarts of salsa)
1 large onion
3 small bell peppers, cored and cut into large chunks
6 large garlic cloves, peeled
1/2 cup packed cilantro leaves
2.5 pounds roma tomatoes, cut into quarters
juice of 1 lemon
3 tablespoons sea salt
1/4-1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder
1/2 cup whey
1/4-1/2 cup water
-Combine onion, bell peppers, garlic, and cilantro in food processor (I don't have a food processor so I chopped all of my ingredients.) Pulse 3-5 times. Add 1/3 of the tomatoes and pulse 2-3 times. Repeat with another one third of tomatoes, and finally the last of the tomatoes.
-Pour contents of food processor into large bowl. Add the lemon juice, sea salt, cayenne powder, and whey. Stir well and allow to sit a few minutes while you prep your containers.
-Wash two quart jars. Do the same for the food funnel and jar lids. Ladle salsa into jars, leaving 2-3 inches of head space. Add water to submerge the salsa.
-Close lid tightly and leave a room temperature for a few days, until bubbly and fermented. During this process the solid vegetables may separate from the liquid. Simply stir with a wooden or plastic spoon until redisbursed and submerged under the liquid. Transfer to cold storage. Should keep for months.

That is my breakfast. Yum!!
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