I wanted to get Dieter a kitchen for Christmas. Of course I like the pink one the best, so I decided that Samantha needed a kitchen for Christmas. Well, Kimball talked me out of it...Samantha could get one for her birthday. My sister called me Thanksgiving morning and told me Target had them on sale for $17. Wow! I would have bought one for Dieter
and Samantha. Well, I was too late. They were already sold out. I guess those of you that put the effort into shopping on Black Friday (or Thanksgiving day??) can get some really good deals. Someday we will have this cute little kitchen in our house!!! It's the Kidcraft Vintage Kitchen if your wondering.

I made these yams to take to Kimball's family for Thanksgiving. I found them off of Pinterest. You can find the recipe here
Jamie Cooks it Up They weren't healthy, but I did know
every ingredient that I put into them. That has to be better than anything from the store! Add a little whip cream and they were as good as any pie!
Hi! I just sent you an e-mail with a before & after photo of a child's kitchen you could do yourself! Unfortunately, I didn't put the origin of it (like I usually do!) in my tutorial file I keep! Eek!
I should have called you earlier. I only saw them because I have pregnancy induced insomnia and was up at 4 am surfing the web. I just should have bought it for you but I knew Kimball was iffy about a pink kitchen for Dieter.
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