Twitter: asullivan85
I'm Allison from Feeding My Temple. A 26 year old mom and wife. Follower of Jesus. Sister to 2. Living in Oklahoma. I have a huge interest in food, fitness, and healthy living. My blog follows my life as I try to balance feeding my body, mind and spirit with the Word and amazing food. I am obsessed with the weather, boots, and glitter.

Hi there! My name is Noelani (noah-lon-ee) and I am a lover of life and all it has to offer. I am a Military wife, a stay-at-home mother to a beautiful little girl, and a believer and follower of Christ. My blog is filled with the day-to-day things that cause me to stop in my tracks and s.m.i.l.e. Join me on 'our beautiful little journey', why don't-cha? :)

Link Up to Allergy Friendly Lunchbox Love (every Friday)
The photo is of my grandmother, Helene, holding my mother as a baby in 1943. I like to use this pic online b/c my screen name is VintageMom ... it fits!
My blog is a place to find traditional recipes that have been modified to be allergy-free. I post several new recipes each week, along with essays about living with allergies, reviews of allergy-free products and eBooks, and round-ups of great allergy-free recipes I've found online (menu lists that I call Virtual Parties). In my fantasy life, I live in the 1940's and wear a dress and pearls every day. Since I would look ridiculous at the grocery store dressed that way (not to mention on the soccer field), I've created a whimsical vintage world on my blog.
I have three boys who all have multiple food allergies, and I've had to learn to cook all over again. I'm not a trained chef, but I'm a very determined mom... if the boys need something, I'll do what it takes to get it. These days, they need allergy-free food cooked from scratch, and I'm lucky enough to have time to research ingredient substitutions and try out new dishes. I'm also lucky that they are willing to be my guinea pigs! My original recipes are free of gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, and soy, and many are vegan as well.
Once upon a time I was a journalist (I've also been a computer teacher, gifted education teacher, independent publisher, and public relations manager, among other things), and I love the chance to write every day. I also find the online community so supportive ... it makes such a difference to know that our family isn't the only one struggling with multiple allergies. Reading the lovely comments on the blog each day really lifts my spirits. I may actually be addicted to checking for new comments :) I wish I had time to respond to each one, but there's always another dish to cook, another activity to drive the boys to, and another project around the house calling to me.
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