
Monday, December 19, 2011

Uncomfortable? Maybe.

Okay, we all have to go to the bathroom. Be grateful! We have battled with Dieter's diarrhea for a long time. When I found this chart ( I thought it was really good information. Next time your in the bathroom, take a will tell you alot about your body.

Type 1 has spent the longest time in the colon and type 7 has spent the least. Stools at the lumpy end of the scale are hard to pass and often require a lot of straining. Stools at the loose or liquid end of the spectrum can be too easy to pass - the need to pass them is urgent and accidents can happen. The ideal stools are types 3 and 4, especially type 4, as they are most likely to glide out without any fuss.

What type of stools are best?

•The feeling you need to go is definite but not irresistible
•Once you sit down on the toilet there is no delay
•No conscious effort or straining is needed
•The stool glides out smoothly and comfortably
•Afterwards there is only a pleasant feeling of relief
•All this is most likely if the stool is Bristol Stool Form Scale, type 4

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Make your Own Monday Link Up
Simple Sugar and Gluten Free
Beyond the Picket Fence


  1. I bet you're wondering...who the heck do you think will comment on this posting? hahahaha! It really is good info to have though...and we all do it! Love the label! I got my morning chuckle from you! Sitting here having my coffee... looking at poo. xo and Merry Christmas! (still giggling....)

  2. I could laugh...because I have the small stool scale on my blog.

    The truth is in the poop.

    :) We've been on 2+ years of chronic diarrhea for my Moose. NO fun.

  3. Thanks for linking your great post to FAT TUESDAY. This was very interesting and enlightening! Hope to see you next week!

    Be sure to visit on Sunday for Sunday Snippets – your post from Fat Tuesday may be featured there!

  4. Thanks for linking up to my Mommy Solutions last week. This was the most clicked post! lol

    Thanks for sharing and come on over and link up something else this week!

  5. I found this via crystalandcomp and find it fascinating. Our son was adopted with parasites 2 years ago, and since the parasites were treated and gone he's always had type 4 poop. I've thought there was still something not quite right b/c the rest of the family is type 2/3. He has a milk allergy, so I've often wondered if his different diet is the cause of the different poop.


Thanks for the comment! I love getting them!