
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baked Apples

First, check out my sponsors! Yeah! Okay, I don't have a recipe for this. And everytime I have made it, I left for the grocery store it has always cooked longer than it should! It is a yummy recipe and I got the idea from Kimball's mom. If you can have dairy, I would use butter and honey, and top it with some cream when your done, yum!

big spoonful of Honey for each apple
spoonful of Coconut Oil for each apple

-Core apples.
-Put honey inside apples.
-Put coconut oil on top of honey.
-Bake at 350 degrees F. I would bake at least an hour and watch apples afterwards. I'm thinking maybe 90 minutes but I don't know for sure. Apples will be soft when ready.
-Spoon melted honey and coconut mixture back onto apples and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds delicious...I only recently found coconut oil. Have you tried popping your popcorn in it on the stove? DELISH!


Thanks for the comment! I love getting them!